Thursday, 18 May 2017

Eat smart to lose weight fast! Which combination provides the least calories?

Is there a problem?
Let’s start by doing a little memory test. Close your eyes and remember all the food items you ate in last 3 days. Now, make a list of all the food items you took that had sauces/condiments with them and soon you will be surprised that it’s more than what you imagine you are taking! That’s the thing with condiments. They are everywhere and have become such an integral part of our taste buds and food psychology that we are literally chained by them. Our sandwiches need to be moist and that moisture is coming from condiments. Our fries have to have a dip with them otherwise they are not fries anymore. The taste association of condiments with our everyday foods is staggering so much so that if we take out the sauces from our burger, the taste becomes alien to us.

Yes, there is a problem!

So, what i am trying to imply is that we do not care about weight loss diet plans & do not appreciate/understand the amount of impact condiments have in our daily life and over all weight management. According to statistics, average consumption of ketchup in United States annually is 71 pounds per person. Yes, that is 71 pounds of ketchup eaten by a single person in a year.

"That is 36068 kcal coming from ketchup alone in a year"

Now, when the moment of surprise is over and your eyes are back to their normal size, just realize and understand that condiments are making a substantial impact on your slim period.

So, the next question is what to do about them?
The impulsive answer would be to avoid them. But the logical answer is to be smart about them. 

Since, they are part of our food psychology and taste
memory, there is no point running away from them as it will require a lot of effort on one’s part and too much of a change in our daily life. Just look around, how many food items you see that comes without them? The reassuring thing is that you just need to be smart about them. Learn to separate the best from the better and the better from the bad and condiments will change their role to just flavour enhancers. This article is about making the smart choice. You’ve got a common favourite food and three common favourite sauces. The correct answer is Mustard.

Why? Just look the table.

112 kcal/100 grams
26 grams of Carbs
0.1 gram of Fat
680 kcal/100 grams
0.6 grams of Carbs
75 grams of Fat
66 grams/100 grams
5 grams of Carbs
4 grams of Fat

This data clearly shows that in terms Mustard is the clear choice and the healthiest among other condiments.

 Its 2017, surely better things are available, welcome to iSlimSolutions App!

The last thing that a person wants to do before eating is to become a mathematician and start calculating. Surely, it is a hindrance. Food is for eating, enjoying and having a good time. It’s not for trying out your mathematical skills. This aspect becomes all more relevant when you are weight conscious and trying to reduce as naturally you become more wary of things you eat and are always thinking about, oh can i eat this? How much calories it has? And stuff like that. It’s such a deal breaker. In fact, one of the top most reasons people fail to lose weight is that they are not able/willing to consistently keep track of what they are eating.

The need to have a simplified solution where there are no worries about what, how and when resulted in development of iSlimSolutions App and Website program. It was developed with mission of integrating scientific principles of weight loss diet plan into our daily lives seamlessly. There are no restrictions, confusions and calculations. It provides you a meal structure with optimized food portions and meal timings and within this structure, you are totally free to eat whatever you love without ever needing to worry about calories.

Just chose a diet plan and the number of meals you wish to take and the system will give you a schedule. Now, just follow the meal time notifications. When a notification comes, choose a food that you feel like eating whether it’s a pizza or a healthy soup.
You get this freedom because every food has been given an optimised portion that keeps the calories you take, same.
So, download out iSlimSolutions free app and start losing weight living a full life!

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